Wednesday, March 22, 2006


One person's luck, another one's disaster, or was it luck after all - can't always tell whether you're being very lucky or totally out of it. Go see Woody Allen's Match Point and you know what I mean.

Been having fun with bureaucracy. Bureau-crazy. What would happen if bureaucrats of the world would just decide to stay home one day? Chaos? Or nothing at all; it might even go unnoticed. No-one calls themselves a bureaucrat anyway, there's just the regulations and people doing their best to interpret them. I think I'm secretly a wannabe-bureaucrat, as I like doing things by the book.

A friend tipped off about an online death test in Helsingin Sanomat (unfortunately in Finnish only). Scroll down and click on Deadline on the right hand bar (comes with good music, so better do this at home with speakers on). It says my luck runs out around the age of 81. Not too bad, although could probably add some years by getting back to doing regular physical training. Or by smoking and drinking like there's no tomorrow; apparently that has worked for some.


At 22 March, 2006 12:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bureaucracy yes, very fun indeed,
until something crucial to you
depends on it's functioning.
Then it becomes "funny", in the
same way as eating glass is
"funny". :-)

I don't like those "death-tests"
very much myself when I think
about it a bit more seriously.
Perhaps it's because of my
general attitude towards life (as
with most other things as well
for that matter): It's the quality
that matters, not the amount
(meaning length in this case).

We die when it's time to die;
death is certain to come knockin'
on our door whether we actually
live or not. He (or she) just
doesn't give a good god damn
about what _we_ think about the
timing ourselves.

At 22 March, 2006 20:51, Blogger queerrel said...

For fans of statistics these tests serve as reminders that you really can increase the probability of reaching an older age with certain lifestyle choices. Yes, only probability. But you can affect it a great deal. Even in the case of accidents the recovery depends on the general condition of the body prior to the accident (and the mind has a say in it too).

At 23 March, 2006 06:57, Blogger Palin Zon said...

The latest issue of Tieteen Kuvalehti contains an article about how to live 100 years old and even more. Ample exercises of body and mind, interesting hobbies, red wine, family and hunger are the most important elements in living old and in good condition. Gives me creeps to think about it... one hundred years in hunger and dizzied by red wine? :grin:

At 23 March, 2006 19:12, Blogger queerrel said...

Hah, sure makes you think twice. Could I please at least occasionally replace red wine with something (anything) else - wouldn't mind terribly skipping the constant hunger too. Otherwise, the deal's on (but I'm sure friends should be on that list too).


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