Monday, May 22, 2006

Imperfection is beauty

Physically looking at things from different angles opens new (event) horizons. My city has such beauty when looked at from roof-level.

As have people, who will forever remain slightly imperfect, regardless of their efforts. These marks of imperfection in looks and characters fascinate me to no end.

Finland, 292 points. Sweet!


At 22 May, 2006 13:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could also always ask that what is exactly the definition of perfection? I think it's a difficult concept to define in any context, and even more so when speaking about human beings.

Would we be humans anymore if we were perfect even by our own definition? I think it's really the _struggle towards perfection_ that gives meaning and life to the whole concept in the first place.

Yeah, so philosophical and on monday!

At 22 May, 2006 23:39, Blogger queerrel said...

Seems people have defined perfection for themselves, and as you said, struggle towards it. People tend to try to hide whatever they deem as their imperfections - although not always. And indeed, where one sees a flaw, the other stops to admire, and it is precisely this what intrigues me.

!!!LordiLordiLordiLORDI!!! :-D Everyone drag your asses to that party on Friday.

At 23 May, 2006 11:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>!!!LordiLordiLordiLORDI!!! :-D >Everyone drag your asses to that >party on Friday.

Umm.. what party?

At 24 May, 2006 11:49, Blogger queerrel said...

The party Yle is throwing to celebrate Lordi's ESC win :-D. Kauppatori, 18:00 -> (live shows start at 20:00 ->). Performers include Lordi and programme is said to be "hevipainotteista".

Thanks for the good analogy, wooki. I'll only add that as soon as one gets past the dead branches and parasites and penetrates deeper into the microcosmos harmony once again appears. Cell level reveals a whole other dimension. A scale of a fish looked through a microscope is simply beautiful. There's also a good movie called Microcosmos (1996) about insect life.

Your last paragraph says it all.

At 25 May, 2006 00:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel jubilantly happy too that Lordi has won. I simply couldn't stop laughing when I heard about it. :-)))))))))

At 26 May, 2006 13:12, Blogger queerrel said...

Yes, Lordi is a global bringer of joy.

At 27 May, 2006 12:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you go to the party at Kauppatori? I was too tired to go. I took a quick nap in the afternoon (well, it was supposed to be a quick nap) and I woke up at 23:30. Then I ate something and went back to sleep...
Sorry I left without saying goodbye on Thursday, but I had to make a run to the last bus. I only had time to hug Petri and Leena and run.

At 28 May, 2006 14:58, Blogger queerrel said...

I was certainly there, with 90 000 other individuals.

No worries about goodbyes! It's not the hellos and byes that count, but what's said in between. ;-)


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